Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thirty Paintings-Day 30

Well I did it!  For thirty straight days I showed up in my studio and worked.  It was difficult in many ways but I learned a lot about myself and my process over the course of the month.  I hope to continue daily but begin to work on larger things at my pace which is not necessarily a painting a day.  I still get hung up on subject matter and that is OK.  For now as I am in the transitioning phase of my life and all I want to do is paint or draw my husband in some form.  It is all I have of him though I know I really don't 'have' him but it works for now.  I also know my work and I as an artist is still developing.  I saw that the more invested emotionally with the subject matter the more involved I became in the work.  Took my time and made it to that place where nothing matters but what is in front of me.  Although in some of the work I did very quickly but also was invested in the subject.  It has been very interesting.  I saw the difference in the different pieces.  So it has been a profitable month for me in what I have learned.

I will post both of today' s work on here.  The painting, another non-representational one, will go to Leslie's website for the challenge.  I feel like I blended my grief and my work this month so I drew Richard today and I will post it here.  I hope this daily posting will continue as I have enjoyed writing on my blog again.  Some of my gadgets are missing and not sure why but didn't want to fool around with the blog mechanics until the challenge was finished for fear that I would loose everything.  Feel like I am writing to myself here but I am getting use to that...a solitary figure.  Not liking it either.  Miss my husband every minute of the day.  There is little rest from it.

                                                                The Veil Between Us
                                                                oil, 6"x6" Masonite

1 comment:

K Spoering said...

Good for you! Congratulations on completing this challenge! I am trying to wrap up a challenge of my own; that of moving my resistant parents into assisted living. I have enjoyed watching each painting and drawing as is has shown up. I truly believe creative work is healing, so I hope to see you continue the painting as a habit. I believe your husband would want that, too. You are not alone, and there are those of us cheering you on, both here in this life and in the next one.

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