Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thirty Paintings-Day 17

Today I pulled out my watercolors and tried my hand.  I have not touched my watercolors in probably two years at least.  For a first attempt after all that has happened and the time away from them, I am satisfied.  The subject is a cairn made up of stones I picked up a few weeks ago at the beach.  Actually at the very rocky 'beach' at Point Judith Lighthouse, which is the very tip of our state.  Richard and I would go there during the summer to eat clam cakes and chowder.  We would watch the surfers or I would go hunt rocks or shells.  They have been riding around on the floor of my car ever since.  Today I dragged them in as I had the urge to paint them.  They were simply placed on one of my clean but stained oil painting palette, an 18"x24" piece of plexiglass.  The stones will make their way outside as one of the cairns for Richard I want to place around our yard.  Another hard day today...I miss him so badly, I miss us, I miss being married and being a wife.  I feel like I am bobbing up and down in the ocean with no real direction...just another facet of grief. 
                                                                         Cairn #1
                                                                         watercolor, 6"x8" cold press

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