Monday, September 15, 2014

Thirty Paintings-Day 15

Day 15...I see why it is called a challenge.  I still agonize over subject matter with ordinary everywhere but I do not see it.  But something is working it's way in.  I also normally take more than a day to do a painting so this pushes me to think fast, or maybe thing less, and let my knife or brush fly.  But the important thing I remind myself is that I am painting every day, thinking about it daily, and becoming my intentional.  So day 15, half way there.  I feel somewhat like I am back in art school again and not a bad thing.  I am getting back into a place I once was but was so overwhelmed for so long with Richard's illness and my loss I could not see that place in me. 

Today a little, a very little harvest of cherry tomatoes in a little desert bowl.  So much for my little garden as the weather appears to be changing quickly.  I can hear Richard.  Carol, Carol, you did not fertilize, you did not water, you did not tie them to the, Richard, I did none of those things.  And you should have been here to do them yourself.

                                                                     Life is a Bowl...
                                                                     oil, 6"x6" canvas board

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