Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weaving Is Happening

After finding a warping error I played with thoughts of can I work around this or do I rewind? As my mind went through all that had to be done in order to compensate for the error I grew weary and thought it is better to just rewind...The last of three warp chains got a little messy...isn't this attractive? I thought what am I doing, I have to be crazy...but it all worked out, I persevered into the night as I listened to CNN and the news about Elizabeth Edwards and found a peace to what I was doing.

Then before I knew it I was back at my loom with corrected warps and feeling a sense of satisfaction for doing what I knew I had to do and finishing it. It is like finding a mistake in your knitting, I need to rip it back, fix the problem, and knit right back to where I was before I can rest. Now it is ready for the next steps. I am going to warp back to front. I actually enjoy the process of planning awarp and warping the loom. I find it calming if everything is in order...

All lined up and ready to go. I enjoy just looking at it. This will be a blanket using the double weave structure. My blanket is actually folded in half lengthwise .

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Empty loom...

Bear with me...first day trial and errors. But learned obviously how to share photos. Thank you Judy at Smatterings...OK Cindy and Judy, I wonder how one hyper links? But as you can see I have it.

Back to the empty loom, it is now 2:23 and well I haven't gotten too far...But I have started a blog and learned how to upload photos. So now to warp this loom in earnest . Have a great day!

Testing My Photo Uploading it works!

This is Maggie. My muse...she teaches me how to relax and keep it simple.


After much prodding from friends here I am with an empty space to put words in...blank piece of paper...empty journal...empty loom. Don't want to mess it , don't know what to say, or paint, or draw, or weave...what is that about anyway? Fear of starting.

I tried to upload a photo of my empty loom...Use your imagination. So the obvious has been stated, I weave when there is a warp on the loom as well as knit and spin. When I can figure out the photo uploading deal I will share those things.

I don't know where this blog will go. There is allot in my life...But I guess today is the first day of Spring, new life, I hope I can get my loom warped today, that atleast is the goal . So welcome ...
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